Microsoft Powerpoint For Mac Can't Select Font Group

  1. Dec 13, 2018 I am using Word and PowerPoint for Mac; Both versions 16.20, Office 365; MacOS Mojave 10.14.2. Until recently it was possible to create custom theme fonts (font sets) for Office by adding custom.XML files into the folder./User/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Themes/Theme Fonts.
  2. Select the next object. Select the previous object. Select all objects and all text + A. Move the selected object in the direction of the arrow. Arrow keys or + arrow key. Group the selected objects + OPTION + G. Ungroup the selected objects + OPTION + SHIFT + G. Regroup the selected objects + OPTION + J. Rotate the selected object clockwise.
  3. Download and install custom fonts to use with Office. Most applications (such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) include fonts that are automatically installed when you install the software. If you're using Office 2011 for Mac, you may need to drag and drop the font to the Windows Office Compatible collection in the Font Book to.

Teammate Erik Jensen adapts this article by Mary Feil-Jacobs.

No doubt about it, fonts can add significant visual appeal to a presentation. As long as they make it onto the screen for your audience to see, that is. If you created your presentation on one computer, but deliver it from another (say, in a conference room), you could be stuck without the very fonts you were counting on, causing some possibly acute pre-show panic. But not to worry. Font embedding in PowerPoint could be the answer to this stealthy little issue. We’ll show you how to do it, and also show you an easy way to remove and replace fonts while we’re at it.

Font Embedding

Feb 05, 2019 PowerPoint for Mac, 365, V 16.21. Hello, I want my companies font (Avenir) to be my default for PP - or, at least to be able to set it as the global font for each presentation. I have added the font to my fonts on my Mac. I have tried adding it in PP using the PowerPoint menu, format fonts. Doesn't appear when I create new text boxes. Open up the print options and select your group Opening up the slide dropdown, you can see a cluster of your grouped sections at the bottom. Select the group you want to print (in this case I selected the Products group) and hit Print, and ONLY that specific section (group of slides) will print.

These steps guarantee you will have the fonts you want when you move your file to any other PC, and you won’t need to load custom fonts onto the presentation machine when you arrive at your speaking destination.

Note that font embedding will increase your file’s size. To keep the file size a bit smaller, you can embed only the characters that are used in your presentation (rather than a full font set); or, you can embed all font characters, which can result in a much larger file. Unless you are sure you or others won’t make any changes to the file, we recommend embedding all characters.

To embed fonts in your PowerPoint 2010 or 2007 presentation:

1. Install on your computer any custom fonts that you want to use. You can’t embed fonts into your presentation unless the fonts have already been installed.

2. Openthe PowerPoint presentation.

3. Do one of the following:

  • In PowerPoint 2010, click the File tab, and then click Options in the left pane.
  • In PowerPoint 2007, click the Office button in the upper left corner, and then click PowerPoint Options.
Microsoft Powerpoint For Mac Can

4. In the PowerPoint Options dialog box, in the left pane, click Save.

5. Under Preserve fidelity when sharing this presentation, select the Embed fonts in the file check box.

Microsoft Powerpoint For Mac Can't Select Font Group In Photoshop

6. We recommend also selecting the second option, Embed all characters (best for editing by other people).

7. Click OK.

To turn off embedding, follow the same steps above, but deselect the Embed fonts in the file check box in step 5.

Replacing Fonts


PowerPoint also enables you to remove and replace fonts in your presentation. For instance, let’s say you want to remove all the Segoe fonts from a presentation and replace them with Calbri. You might want to do this to simplify the look of your presentation by reducing the number of fonts, or to reduce the number of fonts and keep your presentation size smaller after you turn on font embedding, or to remove all custom fonts like Segoe so that your presentation only uses standard Windows or Office fonts. Whatever the reason, font replacement is easy to do. Keep in mind, however, that replacing fonts often changes text wrapping, so you should allow time check each slide in your presentation after you finish.

To replace fonts in your PowerPoint 2010 or 2007 presentation:

1. Openthe PowerPoint presentation.

Microsoft Powerpoint For Mac Can't Select Font Group In Computer

2. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the arrow next to Replace, and then click Replace Fonts.

3. In the Replace Font dialog box, in the Replace list, click the font that you want to remove from the presentation.

4. In the With list, click the font that you want to replace the font you selected in the Replace list, and then click Replace.

Repeat these stepsas many times as you want, until you remove all the fonts that you don’t want used in your presentation.

–Erik Jensen and Mary Feil-Jacobs

Erik writes about PowerPoint and other Office products for Mary manages presentations for senior executives.

Formatting the text, as well as the borders and fill of text, in PowerPoint 2011 for Mac placeholders works the same as with any other text box. You use the Font group on the Office 2011 for Mac Ribbon’s Home tab to format text. When you select a placeholder, you can click the Format tab on the Ribbon to display even more formatting options.

Set up your PowerPoint as follows:

  1. Open a new, blank presentation.

  2. Click the Ribbon’s Home tab. In the Slides group, click the Layout button and then choose Title and Content from the gallery.

    Your slide’s layout changes to a text title placeholder at the top, and a content placeholder covers most of the slide.

  3. Type text into your slide’s placeholders.

    Experiment with controls in the Paragraph group on the Ribbon’s Home tab.

Formatting bullets in PowerPoint 2011 for Mac

Click the Ribbon’s Home tab, and in the Paragraph group,you find the Bulleted List button. This is a dual control. Select some text and then click either the left portion or triangle button part of this control.

Click in a bullet point, or select text that spans more than one bullet, and then click the triangle on the right side of the Bulleted List button to display the Bullet Styles gallery. Choose a bullet style from the gallery to format your bullet point.

Formatting numbers in PowerPoint 2011 for Mac

Click the Ribbon’s Home tab, and in the Paragraph group,you find the Numbered List button. This is a dual control. Select some text and then click either the left portion or triangle part of this button.

Click in a bulleted or numbered point or select text that spans more than one point, and then click the triangle on the right side of the Numbered List button to display the Number Styles gallery. Choose a numbering style from the gallery.

Indenting in PowerPoint 2011 for Mac

Directly beneath the word Paragraph in the Paragraph group (on the Ribbon’s Home tab), you find the Decrease Indent and Increase Indent buttons, which logically enough, decrease or increase the indenting level of your bullets or numbers.

Click into a bullet or number level between the bullet or number and the text or select text that spans more than one level and then click the Indent button. Each time you click the button, you increase the indent level one notch. Click the Decrease Indent button to decrease indenting by one level. You might find pressing Tab to indent and pressing Shift-Tab to decrease indenting a bit handier.

Splitting text into columns in PowerPoint 2011 for Mac

Microsoft Powerpoint For Mac Can't Select Font Group In Outlook

Clicking the Split Text into Columns button displays a pop-up menu where you can choose from one, two, or three columns. Choosing Column Options gives you a spinner control where you can adjust the spacing between the columns. Columns should be used to help with the layout, but you should never have enough text on a slide to fill more than two columns.

Aligning your text in PowerPoint 2011 for Mac

The Align Text Left, Center, Align Text Right, and Justify buttons perform standard text justification. The default is left justified. (If you have enough text that the Justify option makes a visible difference, you probably have way too much text in your paragraph.)