In Word, you can easily add citations when writing a document where you need to cite your sources, such as a research paper. Citations can be added in various formats, including APA, Chicago-style, GOST, IEEE, ISO 690, and MLA. Dec 17, 2017 Now with Cross Reference Feature available in Microsoft Word, you can easily jump from one location to another without scrolling down your document.
In this article, you are going to learn how to insert bookmarks and cross-reference. Or how to jump on a specific position, page, or paragraph in Microsoft office word 2016. Inserting bookmarks and crossing reference in your document helps you to jump at once to a specific place within your document. A bookmark identifies a specific word, section, or place in your document so you can easily find it again without scrolling through the document. For example, you might create a bookmark to identify text that you want to revise later. And a cross-reference refers to a specific place in your document. Such as paragraph, page, and table. Bookmark and Cross-reference work like a hyper link, as I said hyper link help you to jump on another document, website address, or a specific place in your document.
Insert Bookmarks in Microsoft Office Word 2016
1 Step. Here at first, I will explain how to insert bookmarks into your documents. Then how to Insert cross-reference in Microsoft office word 2016
#1. Select your title to Add to Bookmark
Microsoft Word Cross Reference Figure
Here on the first step, you are going to select the titles or a part of the text to add them to the bookmark. When you selected them then go in insert tab and click on the bookmark on new window write your selected title or text without any space between them then add them to bookmark. For each title you should follow the same way, you can not select all of them at once then add them to bookmark.
Add Your Bookmark
#2. Go To you Titles Through to Bookmark
Now when you added all of your important titles or part of texts into bookmarks. In this step, you can go to Home tab and click on Go To options. Here you can easily find and show your titles which you have already added them to bookmark. Just go and click, on new window select the bookmark from the right side and select your text from bookmark and jump there
References Microsoft Word
Go to your Bookmarks
2 Step. Insert Cross Reference in Your Documents
Now it’s time to know that How to insert the cross-reference in your document. As I said in the first paragraph, Cross-reference refers a specific place in your document. Such as number paragraph, number page, tables and etc. Now to insert cross reference first, you can put your cursor in each place of your document that you need to jump from there. Then click on cross-reference here, we have two options
- Reference Type: Through to this option you can select the type of your reference title that you want to jump there. Within this option, you have many categories. One of them is bookmarks, when you select bookmarks then you can select one of the titles from the bookmark and refer it to the second option.
- Insert Reference To: This option contains some deference items from the first option. Through in this option you can select for example page number, then select page number by this selection you determine the position of the bookmark title which you had selected on the first option. Then when you clicked on, at once you jump to the page that title is there.
Now just close the window and click on the page number which has given on the position of your cursor. Pay Attention that you can not directly click on that number to jump. You can jump just by clicking like (Ctrl+Click) now you jumped to that page.
These all are about How to insert bookmarks and cross-reference in Microsoft office word 2016. Hyper link, Cross Reference, and Bookmark are in Links group. At all they use in the same way and same purpose. They all are used to link to other place or address even on Internet, your computer or within your document. Here through to Bookmark and Cross Reference, you use them in your document. And to jump on an exact place paragraph or page. If you have any question just write down a comment, and Thanks for being with us.
Office 365 ProPlus is being renamed to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For more information about this change, read this blog post.
Cross Reference Microsoft Word Mac Update
While using Word for Mac one or more Toolbars are missing and cannot be added.
This behavior can be caused by one of these things:
- The oval button in the upper-right corner of the document was clicked. This button 'toggles' display of toolbars on and off.
- There is an issue with the Normal template in Word.
- The toolbars or menus are modified.
To resolve this problem, try the following methods.
Method 1: Make sure that tool bar display is not turned off
In the upper-right corner of the window click the oval button.
When this button is clicked, it hides all the toolbars. A second click causes the toolbars to be displayed.
If the toolbars reappear, quit, and then restart Word to make sure that the appropriate toolbars are displayed.
If Method 1 did not resolve the problem, try Method 2.
Method 2: Reset the toolbars and menus in Word
You can reset the toolbars and menus in the Customize Toolbars and Menus option, any saved customization is removed, and all settings are reverted to the original default settings.
- Open Word.
- Go to View in the menu.
- Choose Toolbars.
- Select Customize Toolbars and Menus.
- Select Toolbars and Menus in the top of the Customize Toolbars and Menus window.
- Select the item in the list you want to reset (Menu Bar, Standard, Formatting).
- Click Reset.
- Click OK when getting prompt: 'Are you sure you want to reset the changes made...'
- Click OK.
When View is missing from the menu, then you can also Control Click the Standard Toolbar and go to Customize Toolbars and Menus here.
If Method 2 did not resolve the problem, try Method 3.
Method 3: Create a new Normal template Note
When a new Normal template is created, any saved customization is removed, and all settings are reverted to the original default settings.
Step 1: Quit all programs
To quit active applications, follow these steps:
On the Apple menu, click Force Quit.
Select an application in the 'Force Quit Applications' window.
Click Force Quit.
Repeat the previous steps until you quit all active applications.
When an application is force quit, any unsaved changes to open documents are not saved.
When you are finished, click the red button in the upper-left corner and proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Word 2008 and 2011: Move the Normal.dotm template file to the Trash
- Quit all Microsoft Office applications.
- On the Go menu, click Home.
- Open Library.
The Library folder is hidden in MAC OS X Lion. To display this folder, hold down the OPTION key while you click the Go menu.
- Select the Application Support folder.
- Select the Microsoft folder.
- Open the Office folder.
- Open the User Templates folder.
- Move Normal.dotm to the Trash.
- Start Word, a new Normal.dotm template will be created when you choose Quit Word in the Word menu.
When you had Word 2004 on your Mac previously and you now have Word 2008 or Word 2011, also check if the Word 2004 Normal file is present on the system, if so, trash this Normal template file as well.
Step 3: Word 2004: Move the Normal template file to the Trash
- Quit all Microsoft Office applications.
- On the Go menu, click Home.
- Select the Documents folder.
- Select the **Microsoft User Data **folder.
- Move Normal to the Trash.
- Start Word, a new Normal template will be created when you choose Quit Word in the Word menu.