Microsoft Outlook 365 Not Connecting Main Gmail Account On Mac

Feb 07, 2020 Prepare your Gmail or G Suite account for connecting to Outlook and Office 365. 2/7/2020; 3 minutes to read +2; In this article. Before you connect to your Gmail account from Outlook on the web, or add a Gmail account to Outlook, you need to prepare your Gmail account. Mar 01, 2017 Microsoft announced today that it plans to bring Google Calendar and Contacts support to Outlook 2016 for Mac later this year. Outlook for Mac already works with Gmail accounts for managing email. Dec 28, 2016  Outlook 2011 Mac cannot connect to Exchange. Outlook for Mac does.not. use ActiveSync, it uses Microsoft's EWS. For an Exchange account with Outlook for Mac never ever ever do a database rebuild. I'm speaking from many years of experience with this. A rebuilt Outlook for Mac database will fail again within days to a couple weeks, it will. Gmail does allow you to add your account to Outlook without setting up two-factor authentication and using an app password, but you must turn on a setting that allows 'less secure apps' to connect to your account. We do not recommend this setting. We recommend turning on two-factor authentication and using an app password.


Before you connect to your Gmail account from Outlook on the web, or add a Gmail account to Outlook, you need to prepare your Gmail account. You need to turn on 2-step verification for Gmail and then create an app password that Office 365 will use with your Gmail address to make the connection.

You will also have to do this if your admin is planning to migrate your Gmail or G Suite Gmail to Office 365.

Enable IMAP for Gmail and G Suite Accounts

Please make sure that you have enabled IMAP before you start the migration process. Failure to do so will result in migration-related issues.

To enable IMAP for Gmail or G Suite Accounts:

  1. Sign in to your Gmail/G Suite account using a supported browser.

  2. Click the gear icon located at the top right of the screen.

  3. In the drop-down menu that appears, click Settings.

  4. Switch to the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.

  5. Scroll down to the IMAP access, and make sure that Enable IMAP is selected.

  6. Scroll to the bottom. Click Save Changes.

Enable your Gmail to be connected by Office 365

To use an app password with Gmail, you have to first turn on 2-step verification, and then obtain the app password. Once you have an app password you can use that in combination with your username to connect to Gmail.

Microsoft Outlook 365 Not Connecting Main Gmail Account On Mac Free

To turn on 2-step verification

  1. Sign in to your Gmail account

  2. Select Google apps > My Account.

  3. On the My Account page choose Sign-in & security.

  4. Under the Password & sign-in method, choose the arrow next to the 2-Step verification, and provide your password if asked.


    If you have a google apps account and you can't see this setting, your admin has to first turn it on. For instructions (for admin), see Enable 2-step verification for your G Suite users.

  5. On the Signing in with 2-step verification page, choose Start setup.

  6. Re-enter your password if asked, and in the Set up your phone step, enter or verify your cell phone. On the next step enter the verification number sent to your cell phone and choose Verify.

  7. In the Trust this computer step choose Next, and in the Turn on 2-step verification step choose Confirm.

To create an app password

  1. Sign in to your Gmail account

  2. Select Google apps > My Account.

  3. On the My Account page choose Sign-in & security.

  4. Under the Password & sign-in method, choose the arrow next to the App passwords, and provide your password if asked.

  5. On the App passwords page, in the Select app drop-down choose Other (custom name).

  6. Type in a name, for example Myconnection > GENERATE.

    Note the app password under Your app password for your device. You can use this with your Gmail address in the app you are connecting to your Gmail account (or adding you Gmail account to). This combination grants complete access to your Gmail account by the app that is using it.

    After you have entered the app password, you do not have to remember it.


    The 16-character app password is displayed with spaces so it is easier to read. When you enter it to the app you want to connect, ignore the spaces and enter it as an unbroken string of 16 characters.

  7. Now you're ready to add your Gmail account to Outlook. When you're prompted for a password, you enter this app password for your Gmail account. Don't enter your Gmail password. For instructions on adding your Gmail account to Outlook, see these articles:


Optionally revoke the app password

If you need the Gmail connection for a brief time only, for example for an IMAP mailbox migration that your admin is running, you can later revoke the App password.

To revoke the app password code:

  1. Sign in to you Gmail account

  2. Select Google apps > My Account.

  3. On the My Account page choose Sign-in & security.

  4. Under the Password & sign-in method, choose the arrow next to the App passwords, and provide your password if asked.

  5. On the App passwords page, select REVOKE next to the app password you want to revoke.

Related Topics


Microsoft Outlook 365 Not Connecting Main Gmail Account On Mac
  • If you're having trouble connecting your Google account to Outlook, see Fix problems connecting your Google account to the Microsoft Cloud.

  • Using Apple Script to automate a Google account is not supported.

  • Categories are not supported.

  • Tasks and Notes are not supported.

  • After removing a Google account from Outlook for Mac using “Remove from all devices,” adding the same account back may take up to 24 hours.



Microsoft Outlook 365 Not Connecting Main Gmail Account On Mac Account

  • Creating, renaming, or deleting folders (Gmail labels) in Outlook is not yet supported.

  • Moving mail from another mailbox is not supported.

  • You can't send attachments larger than 10 MB, even though the Gmail limit is 25 MB.

  • You can't flag a message with a reminder.

  • Labels in Gmail appears as folders in Outlook. If you create or rename a label in Gmail, it can take up to 24 hours for the corresponding folder to appear in Outlook.

  • If your Gmail mailbox is large, the initial download of your complete mailbox to Outlook for Mac may take some time due to data limitations with Google. You don't have to wait for your entire mailbox to download to use your Gmail account in Outlook. All new email will be sent or received without delay. However, depending on the size of your mailbox, it may take up to a few days for older messages to become available in Outlook.

  • For information about where Gmail messages in All Mail, Starred, and Important are stored in Outlook, see Changes coming to your connected Gmail accounts.

  • The Drafts folder currently doesn't sync from Outlook to Gmail. However, it does sync from Gmail to Outlook.

  • Rules aren't currently supported.

  • The Command + Shift + Delete shortcut does not work for Google accounts.

  • You cannot access attachments from an encrypted email. The attachment will show as .p7.


  • In order to respond to meeting invitations from Google, the meeting must show on your calendar. The Google Calendar web app provides a setting that controls whether meetings in invitations will show on your calendar. This setting must be set to “Yes” in order to respond to meetings in Outlook. In a browser, go to Google Calendar and select Settings at the top of the page. Then select Settings > General > Automatically add invitations to my calendar. Select either of the 'Yes' options for this setting.

  • Calendars shared with you in Google Calendar will automatically appear in the left pane of your calendar in Outlook. The Open Shared Calendar button doesn't work with Google calendars since shared calendars automatically appear.

    Note: There is currently a 20-calendar limit for calendars shared with you.

  • If you create an event on your calendar in Outlook, its default visibility is “Public,” regardless of your Google Calendar settings. To ensure the event is not publicly visible, right-click on the event in the Outlook calendar and select “Private,” or open the event and select the lock icon in the ribbon.

  • Attachments in events aren't currently supported.

  • Deleting a meeting sends a response to the organizer even if you choose not to in Outlook.

  • The 'Birthdays' calendar in Google Calendar appears as 'Contacts' in the left pane of your calendar in Outlook.

  • The 'Weather' calendar in Google Calendar doesn't appear in Outlook.

  • Adding Google Hangouts to a calendar event isn't currently supported in Outlook.

  • Rich content in calendar events is not supported, so the buttons under Format Text are grayed out.

Microsoft Outlook 365 Not Connecting Main Gmail Account On Mac Computer


  • All of your contacts from Google will download to Outlook as soon as you add your Google account, but subsequent changes made in the Google Contacts web app will not be downloaded to Outlook for 24 hours. You can select the contacts folder in the left pane or right-click on the contacts folder and select 'Synchronize Now” to sync immediately. Changes you make to contacts in Outlook will be always be uploaded to Google immediately.

  • Only the following contacts fields are supported between Google and Outlook for Mac: Name (First, Middle, Last), Suffix, Title, Company, Department, Nickname, Emails, Phones, Notes.

  • The “Address” fields in Google Contacts is displayed in Outlook but can't be modified.

  • The address type (Home, Work, Custom) isn't displayed in Outlook.

  • Other fields in Google Contacts that aren't supported in Outlook for Mac won't be displayed.

  • Images added to a contact using Outlook for Mac do not sync with

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Microsoft Outlook 365 Not Connecting Main Gmail Account On Mac Computer

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